About Dr. Joe MacInnis

Dr. Joe MacInnis is a physician-scientist, writer, and deep-sea explorer who studies leadership in high-risk environments. He’s led ten research expeditions under the ice of the Arctic Ocean, worked with marine scientists two miles under the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and spent time with astronauts who built the International Space Station. Supported by the Canadian Forces, he recently spent time in Afghanistan interviewing soldiers and airmen fighting the Taliban.
MacInnis has written ten books, including the companion books to James Cameron’s last two deep-sea expeditions. National Geographic Books published James Cameron’s Aliens of the Deep. Later this year, Random House will publish his latest book, Deep Leadership: Essential Insights from High Risk Environments.
MacInnis is the expedition’s back-up medical doctor and electronic journalist. He’s keeping a daily log and taking video and still photographs as the action unfolds. His posts will appear on the DEEPSEA CHALLENGE website in conjunction with National Geographic. For more, visit http://www.drjoemacinnis.com.